$placenot = $HTTP_GET_VARS["P"];
$methodname = $HTTP_GET_VARS["T"];
$stage = $HTTP_GET_VARS["S"];
$rungflag = $HTTP_GET_VARS["R"];
$postplace = $HTTP_POST_VARS["place"];
if ($placenot == "")
Visual Method Archive v6.0
Click Here to continue.
if ($rungflag == "Test")
$placenot = $postplace;
echo "Visual Method Archive v6.0 - Test ".ucfirst($stage)." Method ";
if ($rungflag == "Unrung")
echo "Visual Method Archive v6.0 - Unrung ".ucfirst($stage)." Method ";
if ($rungflag == "Rung")
echo "Visual Method Archive v6.0 - ".$methodname." ";
if ($rungflag == "Rung")
echo $methodname;
if ($rungflag == "Test")
echo "Test ".ucfirst($stage)." Method";
if ($rungflag == "Unrung")
echo "Unrung ".ucfirst($stage)." Method";
if ($rungflag == "Test")
$placenotation = $postplace;
if ($rungflag == "Rung")
$placenotation = $placenot;
if ($rungflag == "Unrung")
$placenotation = $placenot;
echo "(".$placenotation.")";
echo " ";
if ($rungflag == "Unrung")
echo "False changes (if any) are highlighted in yellow";
if ($rungflag == "Test")
echo "False changes (if any) are highlighted in yellow";
echo "
if ($rungflag == "Rung")
echo " Use the Back button on your browser to return to the list of matching methods.";
if ($rungflag == "Test")
$bluelinename = "Test+".ucfirst($stage)."+Method";
$bluelinename = $methodname;
$bluelinename = str_replace(" ", "+", $bluelinename);
echo " This line is also available as text only ";
echo " or in Paul Graupner's BlueLine format.";
echo "
if ($rungflag == "Test")
(Blue Line Image ©1996, 2001 Jon Brawn & Jon Warbrick , All Rights Reserved)
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This page written by
Adam J. Beer and last modified
echo date("j F Y", filemtime("methview2.php"));
. Method database last updated
echo date("j F Y", filemtime(strtolower($stage).".htm"));